Make a Contribution


Why contribute? -  Living on Thetis Island, we all tend to be quite self-sufficient. However, there may come a time for each of us when financial aid would make a real difference. It might be seed money for a community project that benefits everyone. Or it might help you to get back on your feet after a sudden crisis. That also benefits us all. The Community Fund provides the opportunity for each of us to share with our friends and neighbours according to our abilities.

Contributions support advancement of education at all levels, medical treatment and care, support services for seniors, and the work of other local charitable organisations such as the Thetis Island Community Association. Here's how you can you help:

Donate money – the Community Fund is a registered charity for tax purposes. Donations of any amount are gratefully received. If you are planning to make or revise a Will, consider leaving a gift to our Community Fund. Tax receipts will be issued for all donations of $25 or more. 

Donate time - the Community Fund is run by a volunteer Board. If you would like to help out at our annual summer Family Fun Day, please contact us.

Donations of money can be made in several ways:

  • Send an e-transfer to
  • Personal cheques can be sent by mail to TICF, Box 1214, Thetis Island, BC, V0R 2Y0
  • Please make sure cheques are payable to Thetis Island Community Fund (not Association)
  • Cash donations should be made by arrangement with any Board member or in person at our Annual Family Fun Day 

Canada Revenue Agency approved tax receipts will be issued for all donations of $25 or more.

Please ensure your name and address accompanies your donation for this purpose.