
The Community Fund is a local community-based organization with charitable tax status, made up of a seven-membered board. Two directors are appointed by each of the Thetis Island Residents’ & Ratepayers' Association (TIRRA) and Thetis Island Community Association (TICA). One is appointed by the Thetis Island Parents’ Association (TIPA). The two other members are appointed by, and at the discretion of, the Board as a whole. The process for Board appointments follow Guidelines that aim to ensure a diverse, competent and compassionate Board.

Board positions are 4 years each, and staggered in such a way that no more than 4 Board members change at every other annual general meeting (held in the Spring). At any one time, four of the seven Board members will hold the executive offices of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. These offices are determined by the Board members and take into account the individual interests and skill sets of the members.

The Community Fund is managed according a Constitution and Bylaws that set out the purposes, Board composition and general proceedings.

Board members currently serving are: Tricia Hunter (President), Chad Kerr (Vice-president),  Lynn Hunter (Treasurer), Alisha Rennie (Secretary), Kristina Kasting, Noah Bond and Ryan Sharp (Directors).

Current community organizational appointments as of July 2021 are as follows:

  • TIRRA: Lynn Hunter and Ryan Sharp
  • TICA: Tricia Hunter and Chad Kerr
  • TIPA: Kristina Kasting
  • Board appointed: Alisha Rennie and Noah Bond